That's right alongside jdk-1.8.
System variables: Variable "Path" then had these at the top. In the Java Control Panel (which you can get to from Windows Control Panel), navigate to the Update tab, and verify that Automatically check for updates (Recommended) is unchecked, as seen in the image below. because I removed a couple of redundant entries from there in case that was confusing something. Use for other purposes, including production or commercial use, requires a Java SE subscription or another Oracle license. These downloads can be used for development, personal use, or to run Oracle licensed products. %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\Microsoft\WindowsApps Java SE subscribers will receive JDK 11 updates until at least September of 2026. User variables: Variable "Path" has only this now. System Properties: Advanced: Environment Variables: That gave me a new jre folder, so I updated my path like so.Updated java by using the Java Control Panel, like described here:.Tried using ecosia and stack overflow to find the error, but those solutions were basically just "update java".Here are some of the things I tried so far that seem most relevant: Tried a lot of things to solve this, but I'm still getting the same error.
Well we can update Java or JRE on Windows operating systems in different ways. To disable Java Update, deselect the Check for Updates Automatically check box. To enable Java Update to automatically check for updates, select the Check for Updates Automatically check box.
We can update Java or JRE with the Download Java Now button which will continue classical Java Install which is explained above. Click the Update tab to access the settings. Same error when running the vanilla server. We have Java version 8.181 but the latest Java version is 8.201. writes: ' Dear Dennis, The other day I went to uninstall a program on my Windows 10 PC using Control Panel -> Programs and Features, and noticed there were about 20 or more Java updates installed on my system. I updated to the latest version of Minecraft (1.18.1) in Windows 10 version 21H2, opened the new Minecraft Launcher client, selected latest version, hit Play, and received an error "jni error has occurred" (also a generic java error and a crash following that).